The fever started on early Saturday morning and on Tuesday I finally decided to take him to the pediatrician. They did the usual urine culture and blood work they do when he gets this way. We are always hoping its just a bad UTI. That sounds funny to say, but I would take a UTI over a shunt revision any day.
On Thursday when the urine culture came back it showed a mild infection but our pediatrician wasn't convinced that it was our culprit and after 2 days of a strong antibiotic things were not improving. If I've never mentioned it before I LOVE our pediatrician. We were just assigned her when Lauren was born and fell in love. Of course with Lauren we really only saw her for well checks and the occasional cough and cold. When I was pregnant with Evan I found out our insurance was going to change and we would not be able to see her anymore. I cried, and cried, for days. After a year our insurance changed again and we were able to see her again!! When we go, she never makes me feel like I am paranoid for bringing him in, yet again. She spends tons of time with us and never makes us feel rushed. She emails to check to see how Evan is if she happens to get a note that we saw one of our specialists at Childrens. She calls on weekends to give us test results, and she calls from vacation to make sure things that he needs are getting done. She truly spoils us and I hope she knows how much we appreciate all she does for our family. As much as I love her though, I was not to excited when she thought our best course of action would be to go to the ER just to assure nothing was going on with his shunt. So Thursday night we trekked to the ER. He had bloodwork, another urine culture and MRI and renal ultrasound. We were sent home...with nothing. They assumed it was just a virus and it would go its course. Friday, our doctor wanted to see him again, as she was concerned his fever was still there. When we got there, in perfect Evan style, his fever was mysteriously gone, his smile was found and a rash appeared. They diagnosed him with Roseola.
Thankfully, he has been well since then. Yesterday we had our long awaited swallow study and he did amazing. They cleared him to have all liquids except water. They said since water has no smell and no taste some people have don't trigger their swallow reflux and choke. This means that we are one step closer to getting rid of his g-tube!!!!
Today, we took him in for his first brain and spine MRI under sedation. As always he was such a stud. He work up from the anesthesia happy as can be. We were lucky enough to be able to meet with the neurosurgeon today as well and get results. All is good!! Nothing looks concerning at all. It seems like this was the first test since I can't remember when with normal, good news.
Thank goodness school hasn't started yet and Lauren has been at her daycamp everyday having fun, while all this was going on. Sometimes I like for her not to know the day to day stuff. She is a kid and needs to have fun and not worry about her brother.
Now we get a few days off before meeting with his ortho doctor on Friday.
Evan and Lauren never ceases to amaze me with their spirits and resiliency
Playing in the waiting room while waiting to see the neurosurgeon. You would never know just 4 hours ago he was under anesthesia.
Waiting patiently for the doctor!
His perfect spine!